Heal From Within By Luisa Marin

See Luisa's 5-Star Reviews & Testimonials

"She really helped me connect with older memories that have been getting in the way with what I have been trying to move forward in. She helped me to identify what those memories were; work through them & clear the emotional resonance. As a result I became much clearer what I'm working towards & has helped me to get the clarity and the confidence that I really needed to be grounded in, in order to take my next step forward."

Safa Boga, UK

Somatic Trauma Release Specialist 

“Luisa has done some work with me at a very pivotal moment when I was questioning myself and really looking for a way through my burn out, and so physical ailments. My gut was having issues. I was feeling constipated and clogged up. I was very tired, full of anxiety and Luisa came at the perfect time. I worked with Luisa and at the very first session, I don’t really know what it was that she did, but the energy in me shifted. I felt a lot lighter, a lot clearer and over the next few days I was in a place where I felt calm, collected, focused and driven”.

Nikhil Rugahni, Sydney

CEO & Founder of Shot of Copy

"We cleared many things and processed anything that lingered from the past, fears & hurt. I don't understand anything for the healing to occur and I am left feeling much lighter, cleansed from my past, and clear to move forward in what needs to be done."

Lourdes Crowley, New York

Faster EFT Practitioner

“ I came to Luisa with so many different things going on. I was living in a state of constant fight or flight, completely debilitated by pain. She helped me to identify past traumas that were not properly processed. Working with her, we were able to peel through the layers and little by little, I started to heal and feel at home again in my body. I have gain 25lbs back and ii'm feeling so much better in my body. I believe in myself now and I know i am strong.

Kirstin Lewis, DC

Success Story

I've seen so many specialists for so many symptoms and yet she was able to treat all areas as a whole. I could literally feel the energy moving through my body. I've had muscle tension in my neck and shoulders for years. I've tried everything from the chiropractor to cupping and after just one session the tension was gone and my range of movement improved! I'm feeling more energized, less foggy & more like myself. It truly is amazing what she can do!".

Elynore Basso, New York

Business Owner

I have always believed in energy work but have never had such profound and transformative experiences with energy workers compared to working with Luisa. Honestly, it's hard to believe how much can shift after just one session. I am a huge proponent of Eastern and also Western medicine but sometimes you need help in an alternate form. Luisa has helped me when my Internist, Endocrinologist, Acupuncturist & Herbalist weren't able to make a difference. I will always be in awe of how her methods work and I hope to always be a client!

Dr. Marie Amato, New York

Dr. of Acupuncture

"I’ve worked with Luisa on and off for the past 6 years. She is one of the most powerful healers I have worked with. Over the years she has incorporated new healing modalities in our sessions. She creates a container for her clients that is safe, non-judgmental, and deeply effective. She is able to help initiate subtle shifts in our bodies that leads to profound change. I have seen huge changes in myself after working with her. I find myself feeling lighter, clear headed and generally happier. Luisa helps release all the things from the past that no longer serve. I am able to figure out what I really want out of life now that I don’t have so much trauma sitting in my body. And it’s all done in the comfort of my own home! I am very grateful to Luisa and will continue my work with her for the years to come".

Elizabeth Morley, New York

Yoga Instructor

"Luisa is a VERY talented healer and practitioner. After working with her, I really felt empowered to make healthy choices in my life, where that previously was hard and confusing for me. She really helped me work through some deep emotional issues related to stress, health issues and weight issues with such skill, precision and kindness. She never judged me for anything I brought to her, and just showed me compassion and empathy. How she blends different modalities intuitively is incredible and definitely accelerated results for me! I highly recommend working with Luisa!”

Emily Sheets, Colorado

Expert in Mind & Body Energetics

In just one session Luisa was able to help me overcome the crippling anxiety I've had for week that was giving me insane back and shoulder pain, headaches, shortness of breath, and also making it impossible for me to get work done and to even do the smallest of things. I don't have the words to describe how grateful I am that Luisa introduced me to her methods and I look forward to continue to heal with her help :)

Luisa Barrios, Colombia

Graphic Designer

My first session with her she was able to fix my chronic shoulder and neck pain that I've had for years! Literally AMAZING. Since then, my health has continued to progress. I have more energy, mental clarity, improved mental health, better sleep, better movement, less pain, and overall just feel BETTER. Luisa has the ability to address any health concern physical or mental. After every session I feel unbelievably better and am truly amazed by her work in the health industry. Since working with her, I am able to focus on the things in life that matter most instead of constant health issues that disrupt my everyday life. I've never experienced this type of treatment before and would highly recommend Luisa to anyone who is dealing with ongoing or chronic health issues to take back your health and feel better again!

Jenn Harowitz, New York

Holistic Nutritionist & Personal Trainer, New York

"I had an amazing session with Luisa. She guided me through a “meditation process”, eyes closed. She asked me questions about my body pains, and we started resolving each of them. Energetically things shifted for me and I felt the release. I fell into a deeper trance and got connected with my soul/spirit during the sessions and we changed some subconscious patterns on a deeper level. She also asked me about my goals and desires, and we amplified my belief in being able to achieve them. After the session, I felt reconnected to my higher purpose and felt improvement even throughout the next few days. I was lighter and more powerful. Thanks, Luisa again for the experience. 

Primoz Lazar

Founder & Consultant at Premium Life, Lithuania

"I came to Luisa because I hit a block! It literally felt like I just couldn’t jump the fence and get where I wanted to be in life! The emotion she found was worthlessness. It was passed to me by my father. We released it and in a few days I started noticing a shift: I accepted a gift from my boyfriend without trying to say no to it! What! I could never accept gifts before without feeling like I owe that person my life!! But the most important shift is in my career- I accepted the fact that I am worthy of success! I highly recommend Luisa. Everyone deserves to heal their emotional blocks!"

Oxana C.

Hypnotherapy Coach, California

Luisa helped me breakdown walls I mentally put up to protect myself from fears of going through the same pains again and deeper feelings of no self worth. In just a handful of sessions, she helped me not only breakthrough those walls but made me realize the true value of who I am. Not only for myself but what value I bring to the lives of others. It was that breakthrough that brought out a new confident, stronger me. Not only mentally but spiritually and physically. Those sessions removed my feelings of low confidence and low self worth.

Robert Medina

Architect, Florida

I took several sessions from Luisa and it has helped me a lot in these past few months, both physically and mentally. I have become more self-confident and have started to express my emotions better. My friends and family say they have noticed a positive change in my behavior. I was also a very fearful person. I was extremely scared of dogs and fire. Now I am able to play with dogs and light matchsticks with ease. I would also like to mention that she has helped me with the regularity of my menstrual cycle. I am really thankful for how she uses her methods. After 12 years, I am finally experiencing hassle-free periods!”

Vidula Khera, India

Graphic Designer 

It is no exaggeration that Luisa helped me change my life. Although I will always have to work on myself, she has helped me learn that it is possible to get better. After six sessions with her I feel as if I've had a half decade of therapy. You don't have to spend years wallowing in your trauma. Luisa can really help. I hope that more people find help through her. My life felt hopeless and pointless from years of trauma and self inflicted pain. I'm not a prisoner to that like I was. Again, without embellishing, Luisa is the first professional I've spoken to that seems to actually understand me. Another reviewer wrote that she is intuitive. I agree, she's also patient, kind and skilled at keeping me focused on the important mental tasks. If you are considering this form of therapy, I cannot possibly recommend Luisa Marin enough.

James H.

Firefighter, Florida

Thank you, Luisa, for the remarkable benefits I have had with the body code sessions with you. Your passion and comprehensive knowledge about body code coupled with a calm and empathetic nature make the healing sessions with you so special”. 

Dr. Vikas Khera, India

Doctor of Dermatology 

"Luisa is a profoundly intuitive and gifted healer with a loving nature that creates a safe environment for deep healing. Deep-rooted childhood trauma and consequent destructive behaviors were brought to the surface and healed. It is without any reservation that I wholeheartedly recommend her and her method. You will not be disappointed".

Bubba A.

Psychotherapist, New York

"I went to Luisa for help with chronic asthma, which had returned in recent years, and worsened with work stress. We had four wonderful sessions. I’ve almost stopped using all my inhalers, and my mental & emotional relationship with asthma has changed. I just don’t feel attached to it or a victim of it anymore. This is significant and wonderful".

East Coast Client, Success Review

LA, California

Heal From Within By Luisa Marin

See Luisa's 5-Star Reviews & Testimonials

"She really helped me connect with older memories that have been getting in the way with what I have been trying to move forward in. She helped me to identify what those memories were; work through them & clear the emotional resonance. As a result I became much clearer what I'm working towards & has helped me to get the clarity and the confidence that I really needed to be grounded in, in order to take my next step forward."

Safa Boga, UK

Somatic Trauma Release Specialist 

“Luisa has done some work with me at a very pivotal moment when I was questioning myself and really looking for a way through my burn out, and so physical ailments. My gut was having issues. I was feeling constipated and clogged up. I was very tired, full of anxiety and Luisa came at the perfect time. I worked with Luisa and at the very first session, I don’t really know what it was that she did, but the energy in me shifted. I felt a lot lighter, a lot clearer and over the next few days I was in a place where I felt calm, collected, focused and driven”.

Nikhil Rugahni

CEO & Founder of Shot of Copy

"We cleared many things and processed anything that lingered from the past, fears & hurt. I don't understand anything for the healing to occur and I am left feeling much lighter, cleansed from my past, and clear to move forward in what needs to be done".

Lourdes Crowley

Faster EFT Practitioner

“ I came to Luisa with so many different things going on. I was living in a state of constant fight or flight, completely debilitated by pain. She helped me to identify past traumas that were not properly processed. Working with her, we were able to peel through the layers and little by little, I started to heal and feel at home again in my body. I have gain 25lbs back and ii'm feeling so much better in my body. I believe in myself now and I know i am strong.

Kirstin Lewis, DC

Success Story

I've seen so many specialists for so many symptoms and yet she was able to treat all areas as a whole. I could literally feel the energy moving through my body. I've had muscle tension in my neck and shoulders for years. I've tried everything from the chiropractor to cupping and after just one session the tension was gone and my range of movement improved! I'm feeling more energized, less foggy & more like myself. It truly is amazing what she can do!".

Elynore Basso, New York

Business Owner

I have always believed in energy work but have never had such profound and transformative experiences with energy workers compared to working with Luisa. Honestly, it's hard to believe how much can shift after just one session. I am a huge proponent of Eastern and also Western medicine but sometimes you need help in an alternate form. Luisa has helped me when my Internist, Endocrinologist, Acupuncturist & Herbalist weren't able to make a difference. I will always be in awe of how her methods work and I hope to always be a client!

Marie Amato, New York

Dr. of Acupuncture

"Luisa is a VERY talented healer and practitioner. After working with her, I really felt empowered to make healthy choices in my life, where that previously was hard and confusing for me. She really helped me work through some deep emotional issues related to stress, health issues and weight issues with such skill, precision and kindness. She never judged me for anything I brought to her, and just showed me compassion and empathy. How she blends different modalities intuitively is incredible and definitely accelerated results for me! I highly recommend working with Luisa!”

Emily Sheets, Colorado

Expert in Mind & Body Energetics Founder @ Mission Soul Ignition

I’ve worked with Luisa on and off for the past 6 years. She is one of the most powerful healers I have worked with. Over the years she has incorporated new healing modalities in our sessions. She creates a container for her clients that is safe, non-judgmental, and deeply effective. She is able to help initiate subtle shifts in our bodies that leads to profound change. I have seen huge changes in myself after working with her. I find myself feeling lighter, clear headed and generally happier. Luisa helps release all the things from the past that no longer serve. I am able to figure out what I really want out of life now that I don’t have so much trauma sitting in my body. And it’s all done in the comfort of my own home! I am very grateful to Luisa and will continue my work with her for the years to come.

Elizabeth Morley, New York

Yoga Instructor

In just one session Luisa was able to help me overcome the crippling anxiety I've had for week that was giving me insane back and shoulder pain, headaches, shortness of breath, and also making it impossible for me to get work done and to even do the smallest of things. I don't have the words to describe how grateful I am that Luisa introduced me to her methods and I look forward to continue to heal with her help :)

Luisa Barrios, Colombia

Graphic Designer

My first session with her she was able to fix my chronic shoulder and neck pain that I've had for years! Literally AMAZING. Since then, my health has continued to progress. I have more energy, mental clarity, improved mental health, better sleep, better movement, less pain, and overall just feel BETTER. Luisa has the ability to address any health concern physical or mental. After every session I feel unbelievably better and am truly amazed by her work in the health industry. Since working with her, I am able to focus on the things in life that matter most instead of constant health issues that disrupt my everyday life. I've never experienced this type of treatment before and would highly recommend Luisa to anyone who is dealing with ongoing or chronic health issues to take back your health and feel better again!

Jenn Harowitz, New York

Jenn Harowitz, New York

I came to Luisa because I hit a block! It literally felt like I just couldn’t jump the fence and get where I wanted to be in life! The emotion she found was worthlessness. It was passed to me by my father. We released it and in a few days I started noticing a shift: I accepted a gift from my boyfriend without trying to say no to it! What! I could never accept gifts before without feeling like I owe that person my life!! But the most important shift is in my career- I accepted the fact that I am worthy of success! I highly recommend Luisa. Everyone deserves to heal their emotional blocks!

Oxana C.

Hypnotherapy Coach, California

I took several sessions from Luisa and it has helped me a lot in these past few months, both physically and mentally. I have become more self-confident and have started to express my emotions better. My friends and family say they have noticed a positive change in my behavior. I was also a very fearful person. I was extremely scared of dogs and fire. Now I am able to play with dogs and light matchsticks with ease. I would also like to mention that she has helped me with the regularity of my menstrual cycle. I am really thankful for how she uses her methods. After 12 years, I am finally experiencing hassle-free periods!”

Vidula Khera, India

Graphic Designer 

She helped me breakdown walls I mentally put up to protect myself from fears of going through the same pains again and deeper feelings of no self worth. In just a handful of sessions, she helped me not only breakthrough those walls but made me realize the true value of who I am. Not only for myself but what value I bring to the lives of others. It was that breakthrough that brought out a new confident, stronger me. Not only mentally but spiritually and physically. Those sessions removed my feelings of low confidence and low self worth.

Robert Medina

Architect, Florida

"I had an amazing session with Luisa. She guided me through a “meditation process”, eyes closed. She asked me questions about my body pains, and we started resolving each of them. Energetically things shifted for me and I felt the release. I fell into a deeper trance and got connected with my soul/spirit during the sessions and we changed some subconscious patterns on a deeper level. She also asked me about my goals and desires, and we amplified my belief in being able to achieve them. After the session, I felt reconnected to my higher purpose and felt improvement even throughout the next few days. I was lighter and more powerful. Thanks, Luisa again for the experience. 

Primoz Lazar

Found & Consultant at Premium Life, Lithuania

Thank you, Luisa, for the remarkable benefits I have had with the body code sessions with you. Your passion and comprehensive knowledge about body code coupled with a calm and empathetic nature make the healing sessions with you so special”.

Dr. Vikas Khera, India

Doctor of Dermatology 

"Luisa is a profoundly intuitive and gifted healer with a loving nature that creates a safe environment for deep healing. Deep-rooted childhood trauma and consequent destructive behaviors were brought to the surface and healed. It is without any reservation that I wholeheartedly recommend her and her method. You will not be disappointed".

Bubba A.

Psychotherapist, New York

"I went to Luisa for help with chronic asthma, which had returned in recent years, and worsened with work stress. We had four wonderful sessions. I’ve almost stopped using all my inhalers, and my mental & emotional relationship with asthma has changed. I just don’t feel attached to it or a victim of it anymore. This is significant and wonderful".

East Coast Client Success Review

California, LA

It is no exaggeration that Luisa helped me change my life. Although I will always have to work on myself, she has helped me learn that it is possible to get better. After six sessions with her I feel as if I've had a half decade of therapy. You don't have to spend years wallowing in your trauma. Luisa can really help. I hope that more people find help through her. My life felt hopeless and pointless from years of trauma and self inflicted pain. I'm not a prisoner to that like I was. Again, without embellishing, Luisa is the first professional I've spoken to that seems to actually understand me. Another reviewer wrote that she is intuitive. I agree, she's also patient, kind and skilled at keeping me focused on the important mental tasks. If you are considering this form of therapy, I cannot possibly recommend Luisa Marin enough.

James H.

Firefighter, Florida

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